
Strengthen Your Cyber Resilience with Today's Innovation


Strengthen Your Cyber Resilience with Today's Innovation


The technology that powers our world is changing faster than ever, and security is no longer static. Cyber-attacks are becoming highly sophisticated, and businesses must keep pace if they want to survive. The stakes are high, including the damage to customer trust and loyalty that comes with a breach incident.

Cybersecurity has always been a top-of-mind priority at RYDUM LLC. We believe what sets us apart from others is the passionate team of experts with years of experience. We design a multi-faceted approach to help organizations understand the nature and scope of their vulnerabilities from both external and internal threats by ensuring smooth operations and system durability on an ongoing basis.


The technology that powers our world is changing faster than ever, and security is no longer static. Cyber-attacks are becoming highly sophisticated, and businesses must keep pace if they want to survive. The stakes are high, including the damage to customer trust and loyalty that comes with a breach incident.

Cybersecurity has always been a top-of-mind priority at RYDUM LLC. We believe what sets us apart from others is the passionate team of experts with years of experience. We design a multi-faceted approach to help organizations understand the nature and scope of their vulnerabilities from both external and internal threats by ensuring smooth operations and system durability on an ongoing basis.

Areas of Expertise

Zero Trust

Zero Trust is a security practice that enforces a technological and cultural belief of "never trust, always verify" for people and devices within organizations. Continuously monitor endpoints and verify all users accessing different applications within the network; we replace traditional manual security management techniques through role-based security management. A rule-based, automated, don't-assume-but-verify approach maintains security and allows the application of customized rules for different endpoints or users. We empower IT admins to overcome the challenges of keeping endpoints secure and compliant while allowing frictionless freedom for employees to access everything they need from anywhere within the network securely.

Threat and Vulnerability Management

Not addressing security can leave vulnerabilities that can result in financial and operational risk or even affect your reputation. You need a constant awareness of how data flows through various applications — especially as new technologies come online or are updated — so that any potential risks can be identified before they become real problems for your organization or customers.

We streamline and analyze processes to find potential threats and weaknesses which attackers can exploit for their own gain. We help with a strategy to provide a seamless upgrade to mitigate the vulnerabilities that could disrupt your organization.

Data Security

  • Due to the rapid development of internet technology, normal threats are becoming mainstream. It has increased the attack surface and resulted in a wider number of cyber-attacks targeting organizations. 

  • We protect sensitive data from unauthorized access and corruption throughout its lifecycle. It includes the deployment of tools and technologies to enhance organizational visibility towards their critical data and its use across the network. 

IT Security and Risk Management

  • We provide IT security and infrastructure protection solutions by following federal government guidelines and processes with a team of passionate cybersecurity and risk management experts.

  • These services are provided for government agencies and businesses alike. We provide software tools to protect clients' information against cyber-attacks, offering design services for clients to build and secure their IT infrastructure. With a multi-faceted approach, RYDUM LLC provides security and risk management solutions for internal and external cyber threats.

Identity and Access Management

Yet, even the strongest security controls available are no protection against an attacker who gains unauthorized access to credentials or keys. RYDUM LLC provides a resilient, secure, encrypted network, eliminate security blind spots and provide visibility, which specifies critical steps to defend clients from cyberattack and mitigate risk.

Automate Access: We deliver automated IAM account provisioning to diminish the risk of human error as well as permits organization and users to access resources, and data across the organization.

Protect data privacy: We provide a robust IAM solution against hackers to protect companies' highly sensitive data, such as financial data, PII, and leverage data regulations and compliance. We implement multi-factor authentication  (MFA)  and enable seamless integration into systems  through industry-approved standards like OpenID Connect, OAuth2, and SAML 2.0.

Data Loss Prevention

  • We provide organizations with all the benefits of an enterprise-class data center without the hassle, headaches, and cost of maintaining such an entity. You get high availability and reliability with redundant copies of your data and automatic failover.